✨Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) is the fifth Imam of the Shiites.
On the occasion of his birthday? today, we read an instructive story from his life.?
?Some people came to Imam Baqir (as) and saw that one of his children was ill and Imam (as) was sad and upset.
They said to themselves: If this child dies, we are afraid to see the Imam (as) in a way that we do not want him to be.?
Before long, the voice of the people of the house was raised and the son of the Imam (as) passed away. Then the Imam came to them while his face was happy and the sorrows had been removed before his appearance.?
They said to the Imam (as): Let us be redeemed.?
The Imam said to them: We want the person we love to be safe and we to be comfortable, but when the divine command comes, we submit to the will of God.?
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